2022 Projects
by Lindsey Ball
Saturday, 4th June at 19:25 (Changing room of the studio)
Monday, 5th June at 20:20 (Changing room of the studio)
Runtime: 45min (10 minute increments; 8 people at a time)
Themes: Hope, Vulnerability, Intimacy, Melancholy, Love, Loneliness, Isolation, Crickets
Set in a fantastical world full of cardboard and hot glue,
In a world where instruments play music without sound,
And suitcases contain stories,
One reveals their deepest wishes,
Finding hope and solace in the humble cricket,
And inspiration through their song.
What they desire most must exist, in this world or one of their own making.
Why do we choose to persist in the face of despair?
Can we liberate ourselves through the pursuit of joy and vulnerability?
Is the effort worth the heartbreak?
In a joint performance/installation set for an intimate audience, opening the world of clown with a strong hand-made visual aesthetic, Kopfkino invites you into a space where fantasy and reality intersect. Where joy and despair sit next to each other watching the sunset.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination.
Mary Oliver “Wild Geese”
A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion but doesn’t.
Tom Waits
ARTISTS: Lindsey Ball (creator, performer, visual artist, maker, narration, songwriter)
Inspired by text by Alisa Valdes
CRANKIE BOX MUSIC: Philip Glass "Fourth Series, Part IV (Mad Rush)"
CREATIVE TEAM: Kat Kaplan and Jean-Charles Vallet
SPECIAL THANKS: Elizabeth A.M. Keel, Greg Cote, Sabina Corrigan, Sherry Koorie, Michael Brown, John Green, Thomas Prattki, Cat Gerrard, Michelle Madsen, Kendra Thulin, Lucy Hopkins, Morgan Ball, Delane Derr, Suzanne & Hoang Le, Sam Crabtree, Melissa "Mouse" Luliano, Dillon Dewitt, Alli Villines, Richie Schiraldi, Anthony Hudson, Crystal Rivera, Camilla Barbera, Illaria De Luca, Toph Enany, Lucy Fourgs, Kat Kaplan, Abbi Manoucheri, Imogen Pickles, Fynta Sidime, Jean-Charles Vallet.
By Camilla Barbera
Friday, 3rd June at 19:30
Sunday, 5th June at 17:30
Runtime: 15min
"Camì camò di sonno spinna
Camì camò che fai la ninna
Camì camò l’acqua ti culla
Camì camò no non fa nulla"
"Camì camò you're spiraling down to the land of sleep
Camì camò you're sleeping quietly
Camì camò water rocks you
Camì camò it doesn't matter"
The exploration of one moment inside a never ending journey with body, stone and a lullaby.
ARTISTS: Camilla Barbera (creator, performer).
Cat Gerrard, Ariel Gutierrez, Lionel Ménard and Jean-Charles Vallet as outside eyes and voices to rely on.
Comme se fa'? (How do you do it?)
By Ilaria De Luca
Saturday, 4th June at 18:25
Monday, 5th June at 19:25
Runtime: 35min
How do different people relate the body they are to the city where they were born and raised?
Does a different kind of communication with ourselves and what seem to be our weaknesses lead to a different kind of relationship with and sensitivity for that city?
This research begins in Naples: the city where I was born and grew up for most of my life.
Content warning: Use of water (possibility of a little spurt)
ARTISTS: Ilaria De Luca (creator, performer), Lucy Fourgs (collaborator)
or A Beautiful Morning
By Toph Enany
Friday, 3rd June at 21:15
Sunday, 5th June at 19:35
Runtime: 30min
Aww this is gonna fuck you up. Enter expecting to have cooked beetroot shoved in your face. Exit having never seen a single beetroot during the entire time and feeling like you have a blanket and some hot chocolate. Or maybe there will be no food or drinks or blankets. Expectations are like a lamb on a hot air balloon under water. Math. Love. Jigsaw muzzles.
content warning: all of these are tentative but maybe flashing lights, possiblility for death, fake guns, and one can never rule out the potential of accidentall nudity
ARTISTS: Toph Enany (creator, performer)
Moving Grounds
By Lucy Fourgs
Friday, 3rd June at 19:50
Sunday, 5th June at 17:50
Runtime: 30min
A daughter, mother and grandmother all carry and give to each other. Through soil and words they pass and pass on trans generational "gifts".
ARTISTS: Lucy Fourgs (creator, performer), Ilaria De Luca (collaborator)
tabula rasa
By Kat Kaplan
Saturday, 4th June at 16:45 (Yoga Room)
Monday, 5th June at 17:40
Runtime: 1 hour
An interactive event where guests are asked to navigate self discovery. A space for questions without the pressure of answers, and discovery without the need for certainty.
Content warning: Brief mentions of mental illness
ARTISTS: Kat Kaplan (artist)
By Abbi Manoucheri
Saturday, 4th June at 20:30
Monday, 5th June at 21:20
Runtime: 30min
Inspired by the folktales and fairytales that shaped her childhood, Abbi tells a new story about three women, their extraordinary voices, and what happens to the beautiful things we keep in the dark.
ARTISTS: Abbi Manoucheri (performer, creator), Andrew Manoucheri (musician, composer)
"Special thanks to my dad David, for teaching me how to dig for stories and my grandmother Kathy who taught me how to take care of them."
Untitled Women
By Imogen Pickles
Friday, 3rd June at 20:50
Sunday, 5th June at 19:05
Runtime: 20min
Taking inspiration from myth and disgust from reality; this absurdist theater piece is haunted by misogyny, and the trappings of power politics.
Content warning: Allusion to rape / murder
ARTISTS: Imogen Pickles (creator, performer) in collaboration with Camilla Barbera (performer), Ilaria De Luca (performer), Lucy Fourgs (performer)
Image credits: Automat, by Edward Hopper (1927)
By Imogen Pickles
Saturday, 4th June at 16:00
Monday, 5th June at 17:00 - SEMINAR (30 min) beforehand at 16:00
Runtime: 30min
Five5Six6Seven7Eight8. Shall we go again? Make it a double!
Repeat the retake the rework the replica reframe the rehearsed: a g a i n
A work in motion that plays with repetition, everyday gestures, and the now.
Imogen Pickles (creator, performer) in collaboration with Camilla Barbera (performer), Ilaria De Luca (performer), Lucy Fourgs (performer)
Here, there is nothing to do.
By Jean-Charles Vallet
Saturday, 4th June at 21:15
Runtime: 90min
“Do you have the patience to wait
Till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
Till the right action arises by itself?”
Tao XV, Lao Tsu
This experimental theatrical space has been conceived to explore what might happen when adult human beings used to playing a particular role, to entertaining, to being interesting for others, to being applauded or criticised, are placed in conditions where all these habits become irrelevant.
Here, there is nothing to do. Nothing to accomplish. Nothing to fail or succeed at. For participants, there is absolutely no set goal. No way to know what's happening next. No way to tell if they're doing good or not.
There is just time. Silence. There is just what is there on the moment.
Content warning: Being unpredictable by design, it is impossible to rule out from this experiment any particular component of life, including its most disturbing aspects. For this reason, these 90min might feature nudity, violence, sexual content, etc. Or not at all.
ARTISTIC TEAM: Jean-Charles Vallet (creator), Camilla Barbera (participant), Ilaria De Luca (participant), Lucy Fourgs (participant)
Image credits: Aviated stigmergy, Zayad Motlib & Martha Krivosheek
By Fynta Sidime
Friday, 3rd June at 19:00
Sunday, 5th June at 17:00
Runtime: 25min
Dramatizing myth by retelling a tale from my childhood, fusing different themes and genres. Ciré is the story of a herein character from Guinea who dreamed of traveling to the moon but faces various social issues such as a girl’s literacy, forced marriage, and personal autonomy. Will her imagination lead her to her freedom?
ARTISTS: Fynta Sidime (creator, performer) Astan Meyer (performer)