Sarah Kaurin Jonassen
Artist Program
A message from the artist...
By 2012, 1 billion smartphones were in use worldwide, a revolution that has transformed our society forever. Mental health issues and obesity have increased, and by decreasing our time that was once used for mind wandering, our ability to concentrate, problem-solve, and reflect has declined. The manifold effects the smartphone is having on us has not gone unnoticed. Apps have been designed to combat the addictiveness caused by other apps designed with the very purpose of addicting us. Several documentaries have exposed our dependent behavior towards the screen. We reach for it without noticing. We know something is not right, but still, that small device that fits in the palm of our hand, and holds the answers to the universe, is an important part of our life. We can connect with each other. We can save our moments in an invisible cloud. It brings us together.
It is entirely conflicting. That which enables our sociality also isolates us. What connects us, disconnects us. And when we use it so much, where is the line between real life and screen life?
This performance is a start on something bigger. Such a colossal topic needs time. For now, we’re scrolling and not reaching the bottom.
But would we anyway?
Dairy without instagram
21st of January:
I understand that my concentration is terrible.
23rd of January:
I opened Instagram today without noticing it.
9th of March:
How much I am on my phone has not changed. I have
found other things to do on my phone.
Katie-Rose Spence
Katie-Rose Spence - Perth, Australia. Actor, Improvisor, Clown and Theatre-maker.
Studied: AADA-New York, Lecoq-Paris, Arthaus-Berlin. Performances of note: Solo + Co-Devised shows -“Brunch Lady” 2018 Expat Expo English Theatre Berlin,“The Trepidation of the Tower Traipsing Troglodytes”2015 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2016 Perth Fringe Festival. Actor - “The Grubstake Remix” 2017 directed by Daniel Janke at the Babylon Cinema Berlin, “Small Traumas” 2017 with Blue Guitar Theatre London, and the
interactive award winning show “The Crystal Maze” in London 2016-2017. Katie is a clown volunteer with “The Flying Seagulls”. She is incredibly excited to be working with Sarah Jonassen for her IRP at Arthaus Berlin.