24 may
- taranta_ta
- who's at
the door?
- side by side
- echoes
- the day i met aphrodite
25 may
jelle salon
circle songs
- i wrote you
a poem
- they walk the lines
- roma
- butterflies should fly
at the heart
of things
26 may
15:00 - 16:30
countless lives (sound and video installation)
- ahoy!
- these little town blues
- the square. project
- birdsong
thursday 24th may

A physical comedy solo show without words from Inda Pereda.
friday 24th may

As within, so without, as above, so below.
written, directed and performed by Kanchi Thangadurai
thursday 23rd may

the day
i met aphrodite
What's in a myth?
written and performed by Georgina Edwards

From the ritual of Taranta, practiced in south of Italy and rooted in ancient times, to voices of contemporary era. Questioning about personal cages and liberations.
performed and directed by Angela Monaco
Singing: Sarai Merodio Ogara
Guitar and looper: Thomas Mayer
Tamburello: Margherita D'Amelio
Video: Eleonora Sovrani
Technical team: Hui Tsyr Yang, Despina Filippidou, Paulina Szczęsna

" A journey to the world of dreams, the subconscious and the voice that we have forgotten"
written by Sarai Barranco

who's at
the door,
we can't
be sure
A new physical comedy by Gut Buddies.

side by side
There are two bodies in the space. The shapes between them are countless. They create various rhythms that rise to the surface. The beat of their hearts is different. A palette of colours. A variety of body qualities. They are listening. They are exploring each other. They are speaking, whispering, singing…

Celebrating the dance of creation, destruction and preservation that pervades all things.
written and performed by Kanchi Thangadurai
saturday 25th may

circle songs
Spontaneous music creation using the voices of the humans who attend, in the styles of Bobby McFerrin, Voicestra, Roger Treece, Albert Hera etc.
No previous experience necessary - join in or just come by and listen!
Led by Patrick Soul

i wrote you a poem
In the meantime, days will pass
Dry leaves will fall,
and new ones will appear
And we will ask: When?
And the tree would answer: Now
created by Michal Shmueli
performed by Michal Shmueli, Paulina Szczęsna and Georgina Edwards

they walk the lines
“This is a story about my sister, I feel her with me since before I was born…”
In the middle of that wild forest,
She asks
Who are the white that swallows of the truth?
She asks
What are the relations between death and light?
She asks
When is tomorrow? When is yesterday?
She asks
If freedom is a line, how to walk on it?
She asks
When would I be born another time?
written, directed and performed by Hui-Tsyr Yang

In her one-woman show,
consisting of a story about family,
she takes the audience into the world of masks.
written and performed by Maria Blanco

butterflies should fly
Behind my story, is another story and behind this story is an another story.
What happens when they meet in the same place and the same time?
Well, they sing the same song.
directed by Paulina Szczęsna
performed by Georgina Edwards, Irene Hernando Etxeberria, Michal Schmueli, Paulina Szczęsna

SACRILEGE! is an experiment in musical interaction: A classical voice meets an electric guitar to play masterpieces of Early Music.

at the heart
of things
'At the heart of things’ is a visual theatre performance inspired by Oscar Wilde's love letter 'De Profundis' that he wrote in Reading gaol in 1895 while facing charges of indecency. Many decades later, we tell the story of Lilli, a young woman, an artist, living in a dystopian world imprisoned by patriarchy and homophobia. We use dance, live music and garbage film to examine love, identity and what what lies 'at the heart of things' in an embodied reconstruction of De Profundis.
sunday 26th may

Countless lives
sound and
video installation

Are you ready for a story full of joy, passion and rhythm...
written by Irene Hernando
performed by Luciano Percara and Irene Hernando

The Square .projecteternity can wait
An ongoing research into the square form and how this is transformed from an idea into an action, to a way of living, to habits, to spaces…even art.
What would you sacrifice for love?
Does “happy ending” exist?”
Is the impossible, possible?
These and many other questions of our hero, are popping up during his long and difficult journey.
Original idea, curation, design and co direction: Despoina Filippidou
Co-director: Luciano Percara
Devised and performed by: Despoina Filippidou, Kanchi Kamatchi Thangadurai, Hui Tsyr Yang

The father of Martin is home, looking to the garden from his window, 6 chickens & 1 new rooster.
“The grass doesn’t get greener than this.”
Performed, created & directed by Jelle De Wit
Thanks to & Bjørn de Wildt

I'm 'the other'. You are 'the other'. Otherness comes through us and we become 'the others'
directed by Luciano Percara
performed by Georgina Edwards, Hui Tsyr Yang, Paulina Szczesna, Michal Schmueli, Jelle de Wit